As most of you know, diesel fuel costs are very high. In California, we have seen costs at over $5.00 per gallon! There are many things that we as a company are trying to do to offset fuel costs but there are two direct things that you as a driver can do to help offset these costs. The first is motorcoach idling. It is critical that you do not idle the motorcoach unless it is absolutely necessary. Depending on what motorcoach you are in and what time of the year it is, you are looking at burning 4-6 gallons per hour by just idling the motorcoach. At $5.00 a gallon that is $20.00 - $30.00 that is lost per hour just by idling. You can imagine that with 180 motorcoaches and all of the idling that takes place, there is a lot of money to be saved if we just turn the motorcoaches off. The other thing to remember is if you do need to idle, make sure that you do so on low idle.
Thanks for everything you do and for partnering with us to help offset these continual rising fuel costs.
Luke Busskohl
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